When I say that Kiara looked like a real live princess, I totally mean it! She has an ethereal beauty and the softest heart that makes you think of a Disney princess singing in the meadows and loving everyone she…
Heleen & Charl
the art of a colourful wedding I met Heleen through a mutual friend, and from the first moment I just knew this was going to be a spectacular adventure! Heleen is a kind hearted, creative soul, with insanely gorgeous red…
Leanda & Neels
an intimate wedding in the countryside Leanda and Neels live in Cape Town and wanted to get married here in sunny Pretoria with an intimate wedding celebration for their closest friends and family. Leanda herself has worked in events for…
Leatitia & Nicholas
a wedding for jacaranda good morning angels There are few words that can describe the immense love we saw and felt the day Nicholas and Laetitia got married. Their story is one of hope, faith and most importantly, love. And…
Le Blanc
“No-one can whistle a symphony…it takes an entire orchestra to play it!” H.E Luccock I am telling you, it felt like the most beautiful melody known to man was being sung as I scrolled through the images of our LE…